Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Communication Is The Largest Single Factor That Determines...
What is communication? Communication is the largest single factor that determines the kind of relationships we make and what happens to us in our world. It serves as a tool to measure and change one another’s self-concept. During our lifetime we not only give and receive information, but we also make meanings out of it. Communication is considered a behavior because it is learned mostly in our family of origin. When we are born we have no self-concept, we do not know how to interact with others nor experience on how to deal with the world around us. Because communication patterns are learned, they can also be changed (Satir, 1972). During a communication between individuals our senses capture sounds, smells, images and even touch. The brain develops a report taking all that the senses capture. Then the individual will give meaning to that picture or report based on their past experiences and then the body will react to that process. All of these is part of an internal dialogue or process that help us become aware of our own thoughts (Satir, 1972). Dynamic two-way process According to Banovcinova Levicka (2015) communication is a two way dynamic process that is influenced by numerous factors. Communication is not only influenced by the message, but also the environment that sorrunds that communciation, the relationship between those who are sharing that communication and the personal characteristics of each individual. Gregory Bateson established that communication hadShow MoreRelatedWalmarts Competitive Advantage2347 Words  | 9 Pages Introduction When most people think of Wal Mart, they will often associate it with a large organization which has retail outlets throughout the country (i.e. the Supercenters and Sams Clubs stores). While this is true, there are many other factors that are determining the firms long term success. 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A laptop integrates most of the typical components of a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device (a touchpad, also known as a track pad, and/or a pointing stick) and speakers into a single unit. A laptop is powered by mains electricity via an AC adapter, and can be used away from an outlet using a rechargeable battery. A laptop battery in new condition typically store s enough energy to run the laptop for three to five hours, depending
Monday, May 18, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lyndon B Johnson And The Vietnam War - 1470 Words
Widespread disaster, extreme mobilization, heightened fears and are all characteristics of war. The Vietnam War was a war that spanned almost twenty years, with over a decade of those years involving the United States military forces. During the war, elections so if things aren’t going your country’s way on the battlefront you are going to be on the hot seat. This is exactly what happened for Lyndon B Johnson amidst the Vietnam War. The year was 1968, with the incumbent President, not running for office anymore. The President of the United States was up for grabs and between the Vice President, Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon, in order to gain the upper hand in this election, would sabotage peace talks in Vietnam and end†¦show more content†¦Hubert Humphrey was Lyndon B. Johnson’s Vice President and due to this Richard Nixon felt that he didn’t need to campaign as hard because Humphrey was seen as another Lyndon B Johnson. On October 31, 1968, President Johnson announced to the United States during a televised speech that they were going to halt bombings of North Vietnam in order to have peace talks and hopefully create a resolution to end the war. â€Å"We have been engaged in discussions with the North Vietnamese in Paris since last May. The discussions began after I announced on the evening of March 31st in a television speech to the Nation that the United Statesâ€â€in an effort to get talks started on a settlement of the Vietnam Warâ€â€had stopped the bombing of North Vietnam in the area where 90 percent of the people live. Therefore, our Ambassadors Harriman and Vance made it abundantly clear to the representatives of North Vietnam in the beginning thatâ€â€as I had indicated on the evening of March 31stâ€â€we would stop the bombing of North Vietnamese territory entirely when that would lead to prompt and productive talks, meaning by that talks in which the Government of Vietnam w as free to participate. Our ambassadors also stressed that we could not stop the bombing so long as by doing so we would endanger the lives and the safety of our troops. For a good many weeks, there was no movement in the talks at all. The talks appeared to really be deadlocked. Then a few weeks ago, they entered a new and a very much more
Analysis Of Bill O Reilly s Killing Lincoln Essay
Bill O’Reilly’s and Martin Dugard’s book Killing Lincoln delves into the events leading up to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the repercussions upon the people involved, as well as a detailed analysis of the ongoing war efforts and the affects one has upon the other. While unraveling the conspiracy and its members, the reader is given compelling evidence and speculative reasoning that leads the reader to believe that the plot to assassinate Lincoln involves additional people, and could in fact be a conspiracy that reaches into the regions of power far above what is historically proven. Bill O’Reilly is a celebrated author and broadcast journalist with numerous bestselling books, some of which are EMMY nominated. O’Reilly has a BA in history from Marist College, a Master s in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University, and a second MA in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. His first love was history and he taught it in high school before going into broadcasting. Martin Dugard is a celebrated author as well with historical books of his own as well as non-historical works. He is the co-author of all of Bill O’Reilly’s novels as well as the co-author of a novel with celebrated author James Patterson. Killing Lincoln is a very well written historical novel that grabs the reader like a well written thriller. The book keeps the reader on the edge of his/her seat with the brutality of war as well as the intrigue of a shadowyShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesstudy smarter save money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started Student support from
Grand Wines Project Plan
Question: Discuss about the Grand Wines Project Plan. Answer: Introduction This report involves development of a project plan for Grand Wines Ltd. The project involves purchase of hand held devices for the sales team of the company, development of an information system and its integration with the hand-held devices. The report presents a scope management plan, WBS, and risk register. Scope Management Plan Grand Wines Ltd is a wine maker and seller organization from NSW and it has over 400 independent Liquor and wine stores across nation. The company is operated by a large workforce and 20 of them are into sales that help company expand its operations and make business in NSW. The current sales process of the organization involves manual order taking by these sales representatives from customers and then mailing or faxing of these orders to the sales department that is located in Sydney. A sales database is maintained at the department which is linked with the inventory system supporting shipment of the ordered goods. The sales people enter the orders in the sales database to start the process of order and delivery management. However, the organization is currently facing certain operational challenges such as delays in order entries, unavailability of stock information on time, and loss of orders due to human errors. Because of these problems, customers and sales staff are not satisfied. However, the competing organization in the space have improved systems of inventory and ordering and are able to make faster deliveries and maintain accuracy of orders to keep customers and employees satisfied(Bright Hub Media, 2015). Requirements Aim of this project is to develop an information system for inventory management, order processing, and sales management for which hand held devices would be provided to the sales team which would be linked with the information system of database, inventories and order management(Antn, 2003). Key requirements of this system include: Ability to connect to the front end systems including hand held devices that would be carried by sales representations so that they can enter the orders received in the system instantly. The information system would manage orders, inventories, and delivery management. The system should get updated automatically such that the inventory information can be received instantly by the sales people anytime. Upon confirmation from clients on orders, sales representatives should be able to enter the order information instantly and update the same in the systems(PDA, 2007). In scope items The items that are in scope of this project include: Acquisition of the hand held devices Installation of the order management module on handheld devices. Development and installation of inventory management and order management system Migration of the legacy data into the new database. Testing of new information system Out scope items Process of selecting suppliers for hand held devices. Acceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria of the Information system development project include: Validation of ordering, inventory management and deliver processes for embedding into new system The processes should not take more than few seconds to respond to the user queries The interface should be understood by all the potential users of the applications including sales people, warehouse and order processing departments The required system must be delivered within 6 months Project activities should not take more than AUD 60000.00 which is the total allotted budget All deliverables should be met, recorded and reported at the end of the project as per the project plan(BIS, 2010). Deliverables Key deliverables of the system development project include: Project plan for the development, testing and implementation of the system Work break down structure highlighting the planned activities of the project Assigning responsibilities to people involved in the project to complete the project activities. Progress monitoring and reporting of the project activities to ensure deliverables are met Development of inventory and order management software Procurement of hand held devices for sales people Development of software for handheld devices and integration of the same with other information systems(The State of Maryland , 2015). Constraints There are certain constraints of this project that include: The Budget There are only AUD 60000.00 allotted as budget and thus, any activity included in the project cannot exceed this budget. If there is any need for additional funds then the same have to be requested and approved by the sponsor. The Time - Project has to be completed within 6 months after the start and thus, the project manager must keep checking the progress and comparing the same with plan to ensure that it is completed within time. The Resource Constraints The organizations has limited resources that are planned at initial stages. There could not be any new resources hired at any stage of development unless a resource left or is required to be replaced(Caltrans, 2007). Project Assumptions There are some assumptions on this project such as: The allotted budge is sufficient for completing all the activities as required by the project With proper monitoring and control established, the project activities can be completed within the scheduled time(Project Management Institute , 2000). Change Request Form Not all changes required on the project require special approvals from project sponsors. Such changes may be managed by the project manager. These may include change requests related to budget enhancement, schedule extension or new equipment purchases(IFRC, 2011). Work Breakdown Structure WBS Task Name 1 Hand held devices and Grand Wines Information system development 1.1 Project initiation 1.1.1 User Requirements Sales representatives Administrative users 1.1.3 Requirement documentation 1.1.4 Sponsor sign-offs 1.2 Project planning 1.2.1 Scope management Plan 1.2.2 Resource Management Plan 1.2.3 Project plan approval 1.3 Project Execution 1.3.1 Procurement (Metafuse, Inc.;Core Performance Concepts, 2015) Purchase Hand Held devices Software licenses Order Management Sales Management Inventory Management 1.3.2 Development Customization of software Integration with hand held devices 1.3.3 Testing Functional testing User Acceptance testing 1.3.4 Training Sales representatives training Administrator training 1.4 Project closure 1.4.1 Disperse or release human resources 1.4.2 Project closure documentation 1.4.3 Project Closure sign off(U.S. Department of the Interior , 2012) Gantt chart Budget Time-phased budget Task Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Project initiation User Requirements Sales representatives 1440 Administrative users 1680 Requirement documentation 1920 Sponsor sign-offs 1200 Project planning Scope management Plan 840 Resource Management Plan 840 Resource Management and Finalization 840 Risk Management - Assessment and Estimation 1920 Project Plan Creation 1920 Submission of project plan 1920 Approve project plan 640 Project Execution Procurement Purchase Hand Held devices 840 Software licenses 840 Order Management 920 1000 Sales Management 1920 Inventory Management 1920 Development Customization of software 5000 3000 Integration with hand held devices 4000 Testing Unit testing 1200 Functional testing 1200 User Acceptance testing 1600 Trace bugs 800 Prepare bug report 800 Send bug report to developer 1280 Resolve bugs 4000 Final testing 1920 Training Sales representatives training 40 800 Administrator training 40 800 Project closure Disperse or release human resources 1920 Project closure documentation 2760 Project Closure sign off 1920 Cost/month 17760 9840 11000 8880 8200 Cumulative cost 17760 27600 38600 47480 55680 Total project cost would be $60000 without any addition for contingency. However, 20% would be added to this for contingency. If for any reasons, project costs exceed the budget; this contingency fund would be utilized(Metafuse, Inc.;Core Performance Concepts, 2015). Each resource is required to give minimum 8hrs/day. However, in any case, a resource is not available then it has to be replaced some other resource. Secondly, if cost of software or hardware increase due to change in economic terms then additional amount needs to be satisfied by the available contingency. These issues require intervention from high management and opinions of industry experts. Risk register No. Rank Risk Category Description Root Causes Potential Responses Risk owner Probability Impact Status R01 1 Budget overshooting Costs risk Cost overrun If the prices of the hand held devices or licenses increase when the actual procurement is required from the plan, it would cause the price to rise. While working on the project, delays and scope changes may require additional funds to be allotted for human resource. Weekly reports: Contingency budget may be utilized for managing additional requirements. Project cost must be planned considering the future fluctuations that may occur Project Manager Low High Medium R02 2 Schedule overrun Time risk Delays in meeting milestone deadlines Time not utilized efficiently for completing the WBS activities Weekly reports: The project should be monitored and the progress must be measured against the project plan to identify any possibilities of deviations such that control measures can be taken to prevent the variations Project Manager High Medium Extreme R03 3 Deliverables do not meet user requirements Scope Risks Scope changes Inability to meet deadlines as per milestones -Meet all project stakeholders during requirement gathering and ensure that all their requirement are included in the project requirement document which must also be validated and approved by key stakeholders to ensure that no requirement is missed. Project Manager Low High Medium R04 4 Project completed before time Time risk Completion before Go-Live date Budget and resources are utilized more effectively than expected Release human resources Project Manager Low High Medium(Masons Thelen Reid LLP, 2006) Conclusions The project proposed involved development of an information system for Grand wines and purchase of hand held devices that were to be integrated with these information systems. The project plan was prepared using the principles of project management. The plan included project WBS, schedule, budget, and risk response plan. References Changefirst Limited, 2009. Change and project management , s.l.: ChangeFirst. PM College, 2009. Resource Management and the PMO, Philadelphia, Pa., USA: Project Management Solutions, Inc.. Antn, A. I., 2003. Successful Software Projects Need Requirements Planning, s.l.: North Carolina State University. BIS, 2010. How to organise, plan and control Projects, s.l.: BIS. Bright Hub Media, 2015. Constructing Powerful Scope Statements. [Online] Available at: Caltrans, 2007. Project Communication Handbook. s.l.:Caltrans. FME, 2014. Project Human Resources Management, s.l.: FME. IFRC, 2011. Project/programme monitoring and evaluation (ME) guide, Geneva: International Federation of Red Cross . Masons Thelen Reid LLP, 2006. Managing Payment Risks on International Construction Projects, s.l.: Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc.. Metafuse, Inc.;Core Performance Concepts, 2015. Project Scheduling. [Online] Available at: PDA, 2007. Project Management: Project Justification and Planning. 1st: Scottish Qualifications Authority . Project Management Institute , 2000. A guide to the Project Management Book of Knowledge , s.l.: Project Management Institute . The State of Maryland , 2015. PROJECT SCOPE STATEMENT, s.l.: s.n. U.S. Department of the Interior , 2012. Project Management Framework, s.l.: U.S. Department of the Interior . WSDOT, 2015. Cost Estimating Manual for Projects , s.l.: Washington State Department of Transportation.
Validity of Mutant Substitution for Real Faults in Software Testing
Question: Discuss about validity of mutant substitution for real faults in software testing. Answer: Introduction Mutation testing or mutual analysis is one of the important strategies that are used in software engineering procedures specially in black box testing (Harman et al. 2012). Therefore, testing research often use mutants to compensate the absence of known real faults. In this assignment, the researcher depicts the overalls summary that is followed by the researchers current perspective on the concerned topic. The assignment is finally wrapped up by the outlook on new viewpoint for the evolving challenge in the provided topic that is the validity of the substitution for mutants for the occurrence of the real faults in testing the software. Discussion Summary of the paper The synopsis of the overall case study is that the application of mutation analysis for software testing and its respective debugging and is used for testing suit evaluation, selection, minimization, generation and to evaluate fault localization of 357 real faults and 230,000 artificial faults known as mutants. This evaluation is performed on five test cases namely Chart, Closure, Math, Time and Lang. There are some methodology like evaluation of the location and isolation of the occurred faults by tracking the bug evolved in each programs and an indication of the bug fixing (Carwalo and Jaswal 2015). A developer-written test suite for two of the faulty incidence and their respective solution to this obtain the evaluation procedure is the solution for the problem. The correlation of the mutant and real fault detection can be correlated by formulating 357 fixed developer and manually verified actual faults. The developer obtains the test suite by examining organize and bug-tracking sy stem for all test program for the indication of the bug fixation by candidate revision. Furthermore, relying on each candidate revision the faults is reproduced with existing test by constructing fixed build-system-related configuration issues or trivial errors. Usefulness and applicability to real-world environment According to the Harman et al. (2014), the current mutation based approached is useful in the real-environment and is supported by the differences among the correlation coefficient of mutation score and real fault detection of the test cases. This difference is significantly higher than the correlation coefficient between statement coverage and the real fault detection. Moreover, Ferrucci et al. (2014) portrays that the problem evolved in the mutation technology is the underdevelopment of the project that is designed for the test cases in the software engineering, probability of wrongness in the fault sample. After performing the mutant testing it is found that for high value of the real fault the mutation score affect the average size of the coverage controlled and the coverage ignored cases. Future consideration This technology helps to realize to create concepts for Mutation operators for module interfaces that are aimed at integration testing and Mutation operators on specifications: Petri-nets, state machines that are aimed at system testing. Conclusion The mutant technology is used as an alternative method for testing the validity of the real fault in the software engineering. This technology is used in the real world scenario by implementing the technology for evaluating the difference of the correlation coefficient of the real and artificial faults. Several tools are also available for the applicability of this technology MuJava, Jumble and Javalanche. However, alike every other technology this technology also have pitfalls like improper programming of the mutant project. Reference Carwalo, T. and Jaswal, S., 2015, January. Exploring hybrid approach for mutant reduction in software testing. InCommunication, Information Computing Technology (ICCICT), 2015 International Conference on(pp. 1-4). IEEE. Ferrucci, F., Harman, M. and Sarro, F., 2014. Search-based software project management. InSoftware Project Management in a Changing World(pp. 373-399). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Harman, M., Jia, Y., Krinke, J., Langdon, W.B., Petke, J. and Zhang, Y., 2014, September. Search based software engineering for software product line engineering: a survey and directions for future work. InProceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference-Volume 1(pp. 5-18). ACM. Harman, M., McMinn, P., De Souza, J.T. and Yoo, S., 2012. Search based software engineering: Techniques, taxonomy, tutorial. InEmpirical software engineering and verification(pp. 1-59). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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