Friday, January 24, 2020
Conflict and Ambiguity in The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber :: essays papers
Conflict and Ambiguity in The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber I recently read Earnest Hemingway's "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber." This is a story about a thirty-five year old man, Francis Macomber who is on an African safari hunt with his wife, Margot. Led by his guide, Robert Wilson, Macomber tries to display his manhood by killing dangerous creatures. This in fact has the exact opposite effect when he humiliates himself by running from a wounded lion. Samuel Shaw stated in Earnest Hemingway, "†¦this is about much more than a hunting yarn, although it is that, too. It is a story that examines that elemental bases of the male-female relationship and the sources of human freedom and dependence" (82). The situation is complicated when Margot sleeps with Wilson and Macomber knows about it. Macomber has another chance to prove himself when they go into an island of trees to shoot a wounded buffalo. This time he stands his ground and shoots repeatedly as the buffalo charges forward. Seeing the whole situation from the car Ma rgot shoots at the last instant, and in a brilliant ending by Hemmingway, misses and hits Macomber right in the back of the head, leaving the reader to wonder, "Did she mean to hit him?" Prevalent in this story is Hemmingway's use of the literary conventions conflict and ambiguity. Conflict is described by James H. Pickering as, "The struggle or encounter within the plot of two opposing forces that serves to create reader interest and suspense" (1169). This is found all throughout this story. (1169) Macomber faces both internal and external conflict. The author displays conflict between Macomber and his wife: He was very wealthy, and would be much wealthier, and he knew she would not leave him ever now. That was one of the few things that he really knew†¦ His wife had been a great beauty and she was still a great beauty in Africa, but she was not a great enough beauty any more at home to be able to leave him and better herself and she knew it and he knew it. She had missed the chance to leave him and he knew it. If he had been better with women she would probably have started to worry about him getting another new, beautiful wife; but she knew too much about him to worry about him either.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Dubai’s Work And Cultural Environment
Dubai has already emerged as a leading regional commercial hub offering world class infrastructure and a business environment second-to-none. But barriers for an easily successful work assignment in the UAE, particularly Dubai consist of a number of factors that make people exchanges more complicatedâ€â€differences in principle, language and behavior in the work environment. Although business customs will vary somewhat in the region, by trying to understand Islam and Arab culture, an individual is in better position to be effective. In Dubai, the work is demanding, going from 7 or 8 a. . to noon or 1 p. m. , when the midday heat encourages long lunches and perhaps naps; people work again from 4 to at least 8 p. m. Far more than government employment, private business is competitive and demanding, and the hours are long. For many businessmen, lunches are also business meetings, and sometimes international business timings mean that there is no real break at midday. Meetings in Dubai take a little getting used to as business executives are expected to arrive punctually, but can end up waiting a long time for the host. Meetings, when they do eventually start, can go for hours without seemingly achieving anything tangible. It should be also pointed out that in the emirate, employees are more loyal to their companies and therefore are difficult to lure away even for big money. Negotiation and informal mediation or conciliation remain the most common means of resolving commercial disputes in Dubai. The scale and pace of development within the emirate over the past few years have, however, brought about an increased need for more formal dispute resolution services. More recently, the growing desirability of Dubai as an investment destination and as a regional or international base for multinational companies, has created a demand for dispute resolution services. In ascriptive cultures characteristic of Dubai, status, which is derived from the job title or general characteristics such as age or birth, is what matters. Ascription oriented cultures tend to correspond with cultures which exhibit high power distance dimension (Jackson 357). Care needs to be taken regarding who represents an organization in negotiations in ascriptive-oriented cultures. Representation of an organization in negotiations by young, high-fliers from an achievement oriented culture is often regarded by an ascriptive organization as an indication that the talks are not taken very seriously or even as a sign of disrespect. The size of the team can also be an issue: if the lead negotiator/ company representative is not accompanied by a suitably large team of assistants, then an ascriptive oriented organization can reach similar conclusions about its counterparts. Dubai is more culturally South Asian, as compared to its rival emirate Abu Dhabi, which is more culturally Arabic. Traditional gender conventions weigh less heavily on expatriate women in Dubai than in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Abu Dhabi. Dubai, as a member of the UAE, also follows Islamic sharia and Arabic is its official language, but it was strongly influenced by the British and South Asian connection (Moran, Harris and Moran 338). Thus, in Dubai, Urdu (Hindustani) is readily spoken and understood by many Arabs. Also, in the said emirate, expatriate workers are conspicuous on Fridays, when most have their day off. The challenge for a business executive when operating on foreign soils, in this particular paper Dubai, is to understand and properly infer the different cultural signs. This could be significant in an expatriate work environment, as expatriates operate in a very uncertain environment, and the reality can be vicariously influenced by the culture that prevails within. Inability to do this can end in severe difficulties for specific initiatives. In order to cooperate with rather than work against factors that are culturally related, it is essential to make out that all humans see society by means of a cultural prism and that, although cultural preconceptions may be shared by others within the organization and to an extent by those with the identical nationality, they may be foreign to those to whom the organizational venture is hoping to do business with.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Bcci Case Study for Auditing - 5660 Words
Introduction In July 1991, the largest scandal in the financial history exploded when the branch offices of the Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI) has been seized by regulators in seven countries. The closure of the bank is mainly due to massive fraud and corruption that happened at the heart of the bank. BCCI also involved in other illegal activities such as money laundering, dubious lending, fraudulent record-keeping and support in terrorism. The BCCI was a supranational bank founded in London in 1972 by a Pakistani financier, Agha Hasan Abedi. Overall, BCCI was expanded from 19 branches in five countries in 1973 to 108 branches in 78 countries in 1976 with excess assets of around US$20 billions at its peak. BCCI has been†¦show more content†¦Thus, the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision has been set up in July 1992 and issued a new standard for the supervision of international banks. The underlying principles were that any international banking group must agreed to be governed by the central bank in the home country which taking into account the bank’s worldwide activities. However, the recommendations proposed by Basle Committee is viewed to be a bit loose, thus another reform of Banking Act was proposed by the UK government and BOE which provided BOE with more supervisory powers. The proposals placed legal responsibility on the auditors to provide information of the banks whenever it is requested by BOE for monitoring purposes. This proposal also attempted to close the regulation gap between countries where the bank was chartered and where it was operated, which was found to be the main reason why BCCI’s fraud went undetected for so long. Issues of Accounting, Auditing and Governance Involved There were 3 parties involved extensively in BCCI crisis: senior management, external auditors and regulator were accountable to the interest of depositors and creditors. Roles of each party will be examined below. Leaders play significant role in embedding ethical norms and values into organizational culture. Longnecker (cited in Gottlieb Sanzgiri 1996, p. 1278) organizational leaders should articulate ethical policy, communicate ethical statements and codes, and provideShow MoreRelatedWhy Is It Important for External Auditors to Be Independent? Relate Your Answer to the Primary Role of External Auditors. Give Examples of Specific Ways the Lack of Auditor Independence May Impact Adversely on an Audit.1638 Words  | 7 Pages2004). This essay, is trying to define what is independence and discuss about the relationship between independence and quality of external auditors. First of all, it is good to know what is the external auditors and its primary role. External auditing is an observation of annual financial reports of a corporation, for example, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss account and cashflow statement. 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