Monday, December 30, 2019
Psychological Disorders Essay - 543 Words
There are times when people are plagued with thoughts, behaviors or emotions that will inhibit them from normal behavior. These are known as psychological disorders. These disorders come in many forms but all will have large effects on a person’s life. One of the types of psychological disorders is anxiety disorders. These disorders are broken down into five categories: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). All of these categories describe disorders in which a person displays extreme fear or nervousness. People will become afraid of objects, social situations, animals, reliving traumatic events, or many other things. People suffering from†¦show more content†¦It is one extreme to the other leaving the person very unstable. Depression can give people a sense of hopelessness that can lead to them hurting themselves or others. â€Å"A personality disorder is a long-standing, inflexible, maladaptive pattern of perceiving, thinking, or behaving.†(Gerrig, Zimbardo, 2008, 470). One type of personality disorder is borderline personality disorder when a person is very instable and frequently lashes out in anger. The person will be very impulsive and are prone to self-destructive behavior. Another is antisocial personality disorder in which a person is frequently displaying unlawful behavior such as stealing or causing fights. When a person has complaints about physical illnesses that cannot be explained medically and these claims lead to interference in their lives it is known as a somatoform disorder. Hypochondriacs fall into this category of disorders. People may also actually experience loss of motor or sensory functions that cannot be explained any damage or problems with their bodies. A dissociative disorder is involved more in the disturbance of identity or memory. People will sometimes forget traumatic events in their lives or forget who they are. Other cases involve the development of multiple personalities where a person assumes the identity of more than one person which are unaware of the other identities. This type of dissociative disorder is oftenShow MoreRelatedPsychological Disorders : A Psychological Disorder1632 Words  | 7 PagesPsychological disorders are often a taboo subject in our society. Many find themselves to be the subject of ridicule and/or a social pariah from their peers a t the simple hint of a mental disorder. This stems largely from simple ignorance to the cause and actual effects of the problems. Many of the same people that spend most of the day complaining about others that have psychological disorders could potentially find themselves and their behavior defined as such. Psychological disorder are an, â€Å"ongoingRead MorePsychological Disorders : A Psychological Disorder1097 Words  | 5 PagesA psychological disorder is a pattern of abnormal behavior that is associated with states of significant emotional distress, such as anxiety or depression, or with impaired behavior or ability to function, such as difficulty holding a job or even distinguishing reality form fantasy. (Abnormal Psychology; 3) There are people that become embarrassed by their psychological disorder or abnormal behavior and refuse to receive help because they are afraid of what society and even their family may thinkRead MorePsychological Disorder740 Words  | 3 PagesPsychological Disorder Paper Psy/450 University of Phoenix Amanda Kettinger 3 July 2010 Psychological Disorder Many mental disorders vary from person to person and in its on severity. All disorders have both a physical and psychological components. Abnormal behavior is difficult to define. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Ethics and Intellectual Property - 852 Words
Ethics and Intellectual Property â€Å"Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce†(United States Patent and Trademark Office, 2013). There are many ethical issues that have arisen in the business world today pertaining to intellectual property. Some people may not think that it is important to protect intellectual property however, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does just that. â€Å"Intellectual property is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create†(United States Patent and Trademark Office). Protecting trademarks and logos is important, as these things are rightfully owned by the person or company which created them. Many companies are known by their intellectual property, such as symbols, names and logos. It can also be very costly to h ave these artistic logos created, making it more frustrating when someone chooses to copy or ‘steal’ the logo and use it as their own. Ethical Issues Businesses generally have attorneys to represent them or advise them on business law, and to read documentation to ensure there are no legal issues. There can be ethical issues when consulting with an attorney who represents another business that may have similar intellectual property as another business. In the licensing journal, itShow MoreRelatedEthics And Intellectual Property Of Intellectual Properties1217 Words  | 5 PagesEthics and Intellectual Property When discussing a creation or idea, the creator of such concept must be rewarded. This must be the case for any situation. For most cases this is true, but because the ownership of such properties bring financial benefits, and or settlements, regulations will continue to challenge what is right or wrong when dealing with intellectual property. This is accurate for many industries, field, and markets. The owner ship of intellectual properties can take a creationRead MoreThe Ethics And Intellectual Property1276 Words  | 6 PagesEthics and Intellectual Property In the business world, being able to compete in the marketplace is critical to a company s success. One of the ways organizations are able to improve the likelihood for success is by patenting their intellectual property (IP). Intellectual property is defined by Google (n.d.) as, a work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark (para. 1)Read MoreEthics And Intellectual Property : Personal Property984 Words  | 4 PagesETHICS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Introduction In this week’s assignment, we will look at the subject of ethics and intellectual property. 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In the following, I will specifical ly discuss the concepts of copyright, intellectual propertyRead MoreA Professional Code Of Ethics1283 Words  | 6 Pagesdistribute intellectual properly and pirate electronic content has increased with the advancements in technology and globalization. As members of the student body, University of the People students must understand the detriments of plagiarism, piracy and ensure they protect Intellectual Property and respect copyright laws. Developing a professional code of ethics as a computer professional, will help navigate our careers and help us make proper ethical decisions and choices. Intellectual Property TheRead MoreThe Human Right Of Free Speech And Intellectual Property Rights1392 Words  | 6 Pages†As technology continues to rapidly evolve, ethics in technology has become an increasingly prevalent issue. A common misconception maintains that everyone has the same set of ethics, but the reality is quite different. No human is exactly the same, therefore it stands to reason that not everyone would share the same opinion on what is and is not ethical behavior. This essay is an exploration into the five main schools of thought when discussing ethics in technology. While there are many issues thatRead MoreEssay about Legal and Ethical Leadership in Management1549 Words  | 7 Pagescomplied. This paper will discuss if Normandale’s behavior was ethical or not, state or federal laws in relation to intellectual property, and if Mathis has incurred any damages. The paper will also cover social responsibility, implementation of ethical codes, and personal and criminal liabilities. Ethical Behavior Ethics is the study of good and bad behavior; while business ethics takes it further to include the good and bad behavior of a business (Kubasek, Breenan, amp; Browne, 2009). KnockRead MoreEthical Computing: Copying Music or Software from Another Person or over the Internet1338 Words  | 5 Pagesexpertise with computer users globally that give them the opportunity to capture, distribute, duplicate and even re-publish massive amounts of intellectual property that isnt theirs (Wilson, 2007). This is forcing the issue of copyright infringement and the protection of intellectual property at a global scale. In so doing, this dynamics is also re-ordering ethics surrounding all forms of digital content as well. Opening Statements The combined effects of the freemium business models that offerRead MoreEthics and Information Security Essay1125 Words  | 5 PagesEthics and Online Source Information What is Ethics? In my opinion, ethics give people free will to make right choices. People have free will to make choices that are governed with responsibility, accountability, and liability. We have a responsibility to perform in an ethical manner and be accountable for our choices or actions. Regardless of the circumstances and choices we make, there are consequences if we make the wrong choice. The question of whether an action or choice is ethical or notRead MoreThe Purpose Of Copyright Laws1130 Words  | 5 Pageslivelihoods depend upon the recognition of rights†(p. 1, par. 1) for their intellectual properties. In the contemporary business world, most companies that sell products of some kind depend on other firms for the design, production, and distribution of the product to make it available for selling. Such sales are often either wholesale to retailers or retail to consumers. Violations of the copyrights of intellectual property (IP), destroys the chain of commerce reflected in th ese different industries;
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Sir Robert Peel and American Policing Free Essays
Sir Robert Peel and American Policing Kristi Pursley CJA/214 August 15, 2011 Don Redden Sir Robert Peel and American Policing The history of policing dates back several thousand years ago when there was no order or peace and inhumane acts upon citizens was the norm with religious, political, or military police acting as the law. Policing was unstable and unorganized. Citizens took the law into their own hands and served as judge, jury, and executioner. We will write a custom essay sample on Sir Robert Peel and American Policing or any similar topic only for you Order Now There was not such a thing as being â€Å"innocent until proven guilty. If the community believed an individual was guilty of a crime then the community would handle the offense themselves. American policing stems from the English heritage; crime prevention and control, preventive patrol, and the quasi-military organizational method became the policing structure. The English colonists brought a criminal justice system as part of their cultural baggage (Walker Katz, 2008, p. 24). In addition, American policing also used other features from the British system. A member of England’s elite social and political class fought to improve the structure of the law enforcement for more than 30 years. History expresses itself and acknowledges this member as the â€Å"father†of modern policing, otherwise known as Sir Robert Peel (Walker Katz, 2008, p. 25). After the collapse of the England law enforcement in the early nineteenth century, Sir Robert Peel took a stand to control order and organization in the law enforcement system. He fought for many years for this and finally convinced the English Parliament to create the London Metropolitan Police in 1829. The officers became known as â€Å"Bobbies†in honor of Sir Robert Peel. The London Police Department set in motion three new elements that became the structure for modern policing; mission, strategy, and organizational structure. The mission was to prevent crime before it started rather than to respond after the crime has already taken place, known as crime prevention. The strategy was to have officers continually patrolling the fixed â€Å"beats†and allow them to be noticed to deter crime, also known as preventive patrol. The organizational structure came from the London military introducing, uniforms, rank designations, and the authorian system of command and discipline, otherwise known as Quasi-military style. Although Sir Robert Peel was not an officer of the law, he directed London’s police department with â€Å"Peel’s Nine Principals. †These principals were to act as the basis to control the police force in England and help to restore peace to the citizens. Peel believed it was better to try to prevent crimes and reform criminals. Peel’s Nine Principals read as follows: 1) The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. 2) The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions. ) Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public. 4) The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force. 5) Police seek and preserve public favor not by catering to public opinion but by constantly demonstratin g absolute impartial service to the law. 6) Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient. ) Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence. 8) Police should always direct their action strictly towards their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary. ) The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it (Bloy, 2011). The United States admired Sir Robert Peel’s principals of policing and therefore adopted it to incorporate into their legal justice system of law enforcement. The government tried to incorporate Sir Robert Peel’s Principals into different cities with no luck or gratitude. In 1838, Boston became the first city to incorporate these principals and have the first organized policing in the United States. In 1845, New York City followed suit. Soon thereafter, Philadelphia followed suit but it did not follow the principals, destroying different forms of policing. Finally, Philadelphia collaborated their policing style to be organized and uphold order by way of Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principals. Sir Robert Peel, known as the ‘father’ of modern policing, set the foundation for organization and structure in modern day policing in London. The United States followed behind shortly thereafter to enlist a police force for order, organization, and service. Peel set up â€Å"Peel’s Nine Principals†which the United States still abides by to this day. The ‘father’ of policing has helped our government to overcome harsh judgment, corruption, and harsh actions, and has made it possible for citizens of this society to bond with local law enforcement. This has allowed our law enforcement to handle situations appropriately and incorporate bigger agencies to handle more diverse problems throughout the country. References Dr. Bloy, M. (2011, January 6). The Peel Web. Retrieved August 9, 2011 from www. historyhome. co. uk. Walker, S. , Katz, C. M. (2008). The Police in America (6th Ed. ). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill. How to cite Sir Robert Peel and American Policing, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Macbeths reaction to the witches Essay Example For Students
Macbeths reaction to the witches Essay The witches are introduced in to the play with a very powerful scene. The three witches talk of the time that they will meet with Macbeth. The rhythm breaks down when they mention Macbeth this is where the writer wants to show the reader that the meeting with Macbeth is important to the rest of the play. The tone and theme is set with one line fair is foul, and foul is fair meaning that good is bad and bad is good. This line introduces evil into the play and at the same time tells the reader that not everything is as it seems and it is very deceptive. At the time the play was written witches were thought of as very evil creatures and they where burned at the stake. The witches talk the same words as each other at exactly the right time showing that they speak with one voice and showing that they are very closely linked. When the witches first meet with Macbeth they greet him with three different titles thane of Glamis thane of Cawdor and Macbeth that shalt be king here after. Macbeth starts at these words but soon wants to know more he does not understand their predictions as to his knowledge the Thane of Cawdor still lives and there is no way he could gain this title. Macbeths great ambition is to become king, although before this seemed an impossible task he has now been given hope. Banquo does not see how Macbeth can be scared of these great things that they have said to him. Banquo wants the witches to tell him what his future holds as they have told Macbeth. The witches tell Banquo that he shalt get kings, though thou be none meaning that his children will be kings but he will never gain such a title. At first sight Banquo describes the witches so withered and so wild in their attire Macbeth and Banquo are both shocked by these strange creatures. When shortly afterwards Macbeth hears of his promotion to Thane of Cawdor he is shocked that the witches could predict the future. He soon realises that if they have predicted this right then he may become king. Macbeth starts to get thought of killing the king as he sees this the only way to achieve it. Macbeths wife also thinks that he should kill the king and she manages to persuade him to do this. Banquo warns that Macbeth should not betray his own family to become king for it will have consequences, but if he should become king in an honest way then it will be alright and nothing will happen after he has become king. He would also feel like he had worked hard to get where he is. He also warns Macbeth that as these strange creatures told them that this will happen in the future then harm may come of him if he does not take care for the instruments of darkness tell us truths. Banquo knows that Macbeth is thinking of becoming king and he also knows that this is what he wants more than anything. Banquo wants Macbeth to think and consider his actions. When Macbeth hears that Malcolm has been made prince of Cumberland he realizes that this is something that will stop him from becoming king unless he overleaps this step. This is where Macbeth starts to realize that becoming king may not be as easy as he first thought and that he may have to do things to help his desires to come true. He may have to kill Malcolm the kings eldest son as he is heir. Lady Macbeth realises after Macbeths letter that if he is to achieve the great title of king then he will have to be persuaded to kill the king. She knows that Macbeth is to kind to do it. Lady Macbeth seems to want him to become king and wants to make sure that he achieves it. .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 , .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .postImageUrl , .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 , .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3:hover , .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3:visited , .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3:active { border:0!important; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3:active , .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3 .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u56645d85ee528730c9d6b3621e91f1f3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" Hardy EssayLady Macbeth wants him to become king, as she can not have any power of her own she has to live her life through Macbeth. Women where not allowed to do anything of great importance so this is the only way she can become great. Macbeth wants to become king but he does not want to kill to do it and he starts to think that maybe it will not happen. Lady Macbeth asks for all the goodness to be taken out of her so that she can kill the king herself for she feels that Macbeth would never do it. She asks unsex me here for she wants to be made more masculine. When Macbeth enters she greets him with his tiles and then goes on to say greater than both by the all-hail here after! she is telling him that she believes he is good enough to become the king. She says that she will look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent undert. she will look innocent but will be the one that is full of evil for she will be the one that kills the king. She is advising Macbeth to do what she says and be deceptive. She goes on to tell Macbeth that they will kill Duncan that night and that she will plan it. Macbeth would kill the king but he is worried about the consequences he knows that if he does it then he will be found out and killed. But he would do it if it would be the end and if he would get success. Macbeth knows that if he kills Duncan then some one will take revenge and kill him. Macbeth also knows that Duncan was a great king and that he would be greatly missed by every one. As a relation of the king he should against his murderer shut the door not bear the knife. His ambition is his only motive. Lady Macbeth helps to persuade him to do it by questioning his love for her, she also accuses him of being a coward and she tells him he must do this to prove himself when you durst do it then you where a man. She tells Macbeth that he has the opportunity and he should do it. This scene contains one of the most powerful pieces of writing where Lady Macbeth tells him that she would rather kill her own baby than break her promises. I would while it was smiling in my face have plucked my nipple from its boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I sworn as you have done to this. She uses this to make him feel guilty and make Macbeth listen to what she has to say. Banquo does not want to sleep for he feels that something is about to happen and even though he is tired this feeling keeps him awake. Macbeth and Banquo talk about the king and the three weird sisters Macbeth says that he hasnt thought about them but Banquo being such a close friend knows that he has and we as an audience kn ow that they have never left his thoughts. Banquo is worried that he might do something stupid. Banquo says that he will keep his heart free from evil and his allegiance to the king untainted, he is not going to do bad to make sure the things the weird sisters said come true. Here we begin to see Banquo as the character that has integrity. Macbeth starts to hallucinate about killing the king he sees a dagger but he can not touch it he sees blood on its blade. The dagger seems to lead him into Duncans chamber, this shows how over wrought he is. He knows he has to make up his mind for once it is done it will be on his conscience forever and it will lose him his place in heaven. .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 , .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .postImageUrl , .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 , .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7:hover , .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7:visited , .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7:active { border:0!important; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7:active , .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7 .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf8b3c0aaddb33b13c0adf6945b80fcf7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Dream that Became the Demise EssayBut he goes into Duncans chamber and kills him half in a daze. At this point lady Macbeth is very jumpy she is afraid that he will be found out. She has been drinking to give her courage drink hath made me bold. After the murder Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both become very anxious. Macbeth thinks that some one may have woken didst thou hear a noise? Lady Macbeth takes control again of Macbeth and tells him what they should do. Macbeth regrets the murder I am afraid to think of what I have done and when someone knocks on the door he speaks these words to himself wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst! Lady Macbeth does not think of the killing of the king as such a bad thing. Previously in the play we hear her saying that she could not do it for the king reminds her of her father too much, but she seems to keep thinking straight even though she has been drinking. Macbeth is so frightened about killing that he forgets to place the murder weapons back and lady Macbeth has to replace. Lady Macbeth does not seem so effected by the task at the time. Lady Macbeth makes sure it looks as though it was the guards that killed the king to arouse no suspicion. Macbeth regrets what he has done he kills on the battlefield regularly but when it is some one that he should be caring for and protecting it has a stronger impact on him. Lady Macbeth has to tell him what to do for he seems to be put into a panic. I dont think that lady Macbeth has quite realised what they have done where as Macbeth knows that he has done wrong and wishes that he could turn back time. There is a comparison in two lines that show the reader this will all great Neptunes oceans wash this blood clean from my hand? . Where as lady Macbeth seems to think that it is done and that will be the end of it a little water clears us of this deed. Macbeth know that what he has done is wrong and he regrets it after it has happened. Lady Macbeth does not think about the task at the time and she just wants Macbeth to succeed, but after she has done it her guilt sets in. Macbeth acts under pressure to do what his wife wants but if she had not influenced him he wouldnt have killed the king. Lady Macbeth gets him to do what she can not bring her self to do.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Aztec Software Essay Research Paper Aztec SoftwareAztec free essay sample
Aztec Software Essay, Research Paper Aztec Software: Aztec Software is a focused application and solution development organisation that offers quality and full rhythm development services in their nucleus focal point countries of waiter and middleware engineering, XML, Internet engineering and database internals. The company is founded by S.Partha Sarathy, ( BTech from the IIT M, MBA from IIM A ) and Govindarajan V.R, ( MS in CS from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst ) . The company is promoted by K B Chandrashekhar, The Co-founder and Chairman of Exodus Communications Inc. , a $ 22 billion Internet services organisation. He has personally invested in two Indian companies, one of them being Aztec. Technology: At Aztec # 8211 ; they understand what it takes to architect and construct an ASP Infrastructure. With unrecorded ASP clients, ASP Architecture expertness, their merchandise utilizing which they served up list sellers on the web, and proficient expertness par-excellence in XML, Net Infrastructure, A ; Databases, they have developed the AzASP Framework # 8482 ; ( happen out more about this by sing their web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. We will write a custom essay sample on Aztec Software Essay Research Paper Aztec SoftwareAztec or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page in the AzExpertise Section ) . Stock Options: Aztec Software offers a really alone stock-option program to all its employees.There is no lock-in period and the portions are vested with you @ 2 % for every month put in by the employee with Aztec Their doctrine is to # 8220 ; make wealth and portion wealth # 8221 ; . Customers: Aztec list of clients includes the most esteemed names in the industry like Microsoft, IBM, Enterworks, Digital, Ardent Software, etc MindTree Consulting About MindTree ( ) Imagination, action and joy are what MindTree is all about. One of the most high-profile start-ups to hold been formed last twelvemonth, MindTree is a mission by itself led by loyalists of Indian IT industry, Ashok Soota ( ex-CEO of Wipro Infotech ) and Subroto Bagchi ( Founder of Lucent, India ) . Clear-cut ends to be the post-millennial organisation, to make an international confer withing company runing in ebusiness and convergent engineering infinite, to be an establishment that will at the same time concentrate on six different facets # 8212 ; sphere, tools, methodological analysis, quality, invention and stigmatization. Four realistic marks have been set for 2005 # 8212 ; accomplishing gross revenues of $ 123 million, puting up four development centres internationally, perpetrating a important part of net income after revenue enhancement to back up primary instruction and significant wealth creative activity. The company plans to widen stock options across the board, right from the front office individual to the Chairman. The laminitiss of MindTree have taken up knowledge airing as a personal mission. As respects its concern facet, MindTree has two countries of focal point # 8212 ; e-business and t-business. While the former is about confer withing and execution of e-business assignments for clients in the US and India, with the add-on of one more geographics by the terminal of the twelvemonth, the latter # 8212 ; a division called MindTree Technologies provides high-end engineering services and solutions. While e-business is to make with digital scheme down to execution, providing to CEOs and CIOs of Fortune 500 companies, t-business is about the interplay of all meeting engineerings and client focal point directed towards telecom and cyberspace contraptions. The scheme is really clear. To get down at the upper-end of the pyramid and add high value by presenting confer withing accomplishments of international criterions. Further, value add-on is being done in a concern backward mode by decoding clients # 8217 ; needs to construct solutions. By puting up e-labs that con canal an progress survey of assorted tendencies and engineerings, time-to-knowledge benefit is brought to clients. On the other manus MindTree Technologies, is plundering into countries of IC design, radio engineering, and VoIP and web direction. In short, both the concerns usage strong methodological analysiss, which help the client to pull off entire cost of ownership. As usual when loyalists join custodies to organize an one squad, outlooks from all quarters are high. How they translate these purposes into world will do all the difference About MindTree Technologies MindTree Technologies, a division of MindTree Consulting is an international design house that delivers # 8216 ; Networking Technologies # 8217 ; to the IT equipment sellers. This is done through a combination of first experience, customer-centric procedures, best patterns, and proficient expertness. Bibliography Architecture, design and development merchandises for the sellers of Integrated Circuits, Datacom, Telecom and Wireless equipments and contraptions Design and development of web subsystems like hardware platforms, web protocols, element direction and web direction solutions Developing # 8216 ; Building Blocks # 8217 ; based on networking criterions that can be reused to cut down rhythm clip, better clip to market and cut down cost End to stop life rhythm ownership for the merchandises we develop, including nutriment and support technology Distributed Rapid Architecture Development with Quality ( DRAD-Q ) : At MindTree Technologies, the company is set uping its ain package technology methodological analysis viz. # 8216 ; Distributed Rapid Architecture Development with Quality # 8217 ; ( DRAD-Q ) . This methodological analysis will embrace an end-to-end attack to quality and set up appropriate procedures for merchandise schemes, Architecture, technology, interoperability and credence. It will guarantee realisation of higher value for the services we provide to our clients. Clients Clients include Lucent Technologies, Fabmart, Matrix, HLL # 8211 ; they are on a rapid growing curve. Wages and Benefits The wages are first-class and get down with upwards of 3.5 lacs for fresh B Tech. For M.Tech the compensation is 3.9. Besides this they offer you a really attractive stock-option program. Their doctrine is to # 8220 ; make wealth and portion wealth # 8221 ; . What you will be making? However the best portion is non the wage but the high-end work you will be making. Their value proposition is grounded on nucleus engineerings, where they invariably thrive on future engineerings. You will be working on one of the following engineerings IC design O Verilog, VHDL o EDA Tool exposure ? Meter, Mentor, Synopsys o Logic design Wireless protocols O DECT, GPRS, UMTS New engineerings o Bluetooth, WAP, Home RF, Jini Network direction O SNMP, CORBA, TNM Datacom and telecom protocols O TCP/IP, ATM, Frame Relay Career Path For you life in MindTree will get down as a Developer. You will derive experience in convergence engineerings in a extremely engineering and client focused environment. With clip, a Developer grows into a Senior Developer when dispositions and expertness could acquire more sphere focal point. With clip, a Senior Developer will hold a pick of calling waies: Undertaking Lead/Manager is the primary individual responsible for the executing of the undertaking.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Finding Experts Who Want to Help With Your Writing Project
Finding Experts Who Want to Help With Your Writing Project Finding Experts Who Want to Help With Your Writing Project Finding Experts Who Want to Help With Your Writing Project By Michael Youve probably read those acknowledgements at the back of a book: Special thanks to Nobel Prize winner Niels Ryberg Finsen for the many hours of medical advice and strong coffee he shared with me, without which this book would not be possible. And youve wondered what it takes to get a world-famous expert of your own, one who could answer the nagging technical questions that come up in your writing project. Now, unless youre working on a book for a major publisher, you probably wont get a Nobel laureate on your team, but knowledgeable experts can be found almost everywhere, at your local college or across the world through email. The good news is that experts are usually glad to help for free. They love finding someone who cares about their subject and they hate having their specialty misrepresented. The wife of one history professor joked that even if the university wasnt paying him, he would go door to door asking, Hi! Have you heard about World War I? Approaching an expert First, figure out what you dont know. As you write, add tags to your text such as [research] so you can search for them later using Control-F or Command-F on your computer. Make a list, in advance, of the most important questions you want answered. When you email an expert, show them that you didnt pick them at random. Show them you know who they are and what they do, that youve read something theyve written. Tell them a little about your writing project. The more reputable and stable it sounds, the more likely the expert will agree to help you. If you already have a book deal, thats good. If youre asking them to do your homework for school, thats not good. Limit your email to one or two brief, narrow, and focused questions. Include your contact information, especially if youre asking for a telephone or face-to-face interview. Give them lots of lead time; dont rush them. Ask for their help weeks or months before you need to submit your manuscript. If they dont reply to your email, stop there. Dont bug them again. You can find another expert. When you talk to an expert, be prepared; dont waste their time with fuzzy questions. Im reminded of a mock interviewer who asked Paul McCartney, Remember when you were with the Beatles? Yes, he did. Keep it open-ended: Is there anything else you want to tell me? An off-hand comment might give you a new story idea that transforms your old one. Ask about what you can ask for. If they answer one question, are they willing to answer more? To meet with you for lunch? To read over your manuscript and make suggestions? It all depends on their availability and interest which depends partly on your professionalism and courtesy. Seek viewpoints that disagree with you. For most writers, the most vivid parts are the points they support and the characters they like. That means your villains may be one-sided. Compensate for your weaknesses by learning about things you would ordinarily ignore. When I was writing a novel that included extremists, I read one of the key books written by their founder. Finding an expert Use your network. Ask people you know, Who do you know that knows about this subject? Reference librarians (often found at libraries) can help you find the answer to any question a sort of non-electronic Google, but without spam or fake news. If your local library doesnt have reference librarians, the U.S. Library of Congress does and you dont need to be a U.S. Congressman to ask them questions. Many colleges and universities have faculty experts lists that are searchable by topic. Many are especially skilled or specially trained as communicators, but all are eager to share their expertise. is a family of websites where users can ask all sorts of questions and the most helpful questions and answers are voted up. The National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) website has its own Reference Desk in their forums, about which they say, What actually does relate to the price of cheese in China? How many cats can you fit in a coffin? Why does the ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? You have a research question. Someone in here has an answer. Sign up (you were planning on writing a novel someday, werent you?), log into the website and you can ask away. NaNoWriMo officially starts in November but the forum is open year-round. Showing your gratitude When youve finished your draft, send your expert the chapter or the article they helped you write. They may have more comments and corrections to offer. You can use all the help they can give. When deciding how to thank your expert collaborator, think about how much time and effort they spent, and how vital their contribution was to you. If you literally couldnt have done it without them, and youre making money from their contributions, you may want to offer them some of the money as payment or a tip. Like all of us, your expert has something they want to accomplish by working with you, so think about how you can assist them in accomplishing it. Do they enjoy helping others (you)? Let them know, in several ways, how much you appreciate it. Do they want to correct a misunderstanding, and give your readers an accurate view of their field? Make every effort to get their message across, without compromising your story. You might disagree with their perspective, but at least present it fairly. Do they want the prestige of working with a published author? Use their name prominently in your acknowledgements and publicity. They may want copies to give out. If they have worked with you extensively, they might deserve a co-authoring credit. Write a thank you note. You know, with pen and ink. Maybe on a note card. Send them an autographed copy of your story or article when its published. Bring or send an appropriate gift. If you ask to meet with them, buy them lunch. If youre a fiction writer, name a character or place after them. They will be tickled. Of course, mention them in the acknowledgments of your book. Everybody likes to be recognized. Unless theyre a spy and want to remain undercover. Writing can be a solitary occupation, and you may never have considered that someone important could be interested in working with you. But Joe Moore, a bestselling author of thrillers with Lynn Sholes, says, The most remarkable thing we’ve discovered is that expert advice is easy to get. Almost everyone we’ve approached has been eager to provide fictionalized theories and futuristic details that help make our often outlandish premises ring within the realm of possibility. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives7 Tips for Writing a Film ReviewIs "Number" Singular or Plural?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The pathology of multiple sclerosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The pathology of multiple sclerosis - Essay Example In short, the bodies of the patients under the attack of MS will face multiple problems originating from the less control of brain over the nerve system. When human brain face difficulty to co-ordinate its functions and control over the nerve system, the patient will be forced to face a number of problems. For instance, the patient may feel that his or her sensitivity is lost. Olek (2007, p.28) states that, â€Å"Impairment of facial sensation, subjective or objective, is a relatively common finding in MS†. Besides, the patient may feel acute pain while trying to move from one place to another. On the other side, the patient is exposed to emotional problems originating from physical problems related to MS. In addition, fatigue, muscle spasms, etc are other symptoms related to this disease in general. To be specific, there is no accurate treatment for this disease. Still, there as so many modes of treatment or therapies, claiming partial recovery. For instance, methylprednisolone is used during the attack of MS, but the same does not prove as an effective medication for long-term recovery. Besides, most of the treatment modes prove to have side-effects in general. So, alternative treatment modes are popular among the patients who face MS. The main researches based upon MS include the ways to tackle this disease with effective medical treatment without severe side-effects. Some researchers try to combine more than one medicine to tackle this disease. On the other side, the development in the field of stem cell therapy is filling the minds of the MS patients with hope. So, future may prove the efficiency of scientific research by helping the patients to be free from
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Behavior management Inventory Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Behavior management Inventory - Case Study Example I’m not coming and you can’t make me!†I think this is probably the best way to handle this, because there is already a conflict and it gives the student an out. They can choose to keep their ‘pride’ and continue to be defiant by going to the principal’s office, or by simply following the instructions in class. Over one-half of your class is constantly asking, â€Å"Will this be on the test? How many pages does it have to be? Can I use a pencil? Does neatness count? Is it due at the beginning or at the end of class?†You set up a rule forbidding such questions, but they keep coming anyway. This situation should eventually stop the questions, hopefully, because the students will learn that they aren’t getting any new information by asking those kinds of questions. If a question isn’t addressed by those groundrules, it is either a good one or could be added to the groundrules. It also sets up a positive culture where the students know what is and isn’t important to me as a teacher. Micky hasn’t done his homework in over six weeks. He always has an excuse such as he lost it, he left it at home, or his baby sister ripped it up. He has a difficult time reading and comprehending and seldom participates in class. You have discussed the matter with Micky and have met with Micky and his mother who works second shift. Still the homework is never done. Obviously in this situation Micky is having trouble with the school work, and his family can be of little help. But he also has to understand that the classroom community has expectations, and doing homework is one of them. By eventually putting him in detention for missing so many homeworks it at least gives him time where he has no excuse and forces him to do some, so I can see where he is and where he needs more
Monday, November 18, 2019
Should censorship be sometimes justified Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Should censorship be sometimes justified - Essay Example The government must have powers to censor sensitive security information, such as the military strategy, deployment of forces, and placement of key weapons systems in times of conflicts and wars. Some people, mainly libertarians who see little or no role for government, argue that the United States has no room for censorship citing the First Amendment to the US Constitution that prohibits restrictions, among other things, on the freedom of speech and the press. However, protecting the United States and American people becomes more important than preserving the freedom of speech in times of conflicts and wars, because giving away sensitive security information could help domestic quislings and external enemies to harm the country and hurt the people. Recognizing this imperative, Congress has enacted several laws, including the Smith Act, Communist Control Act and Atomic Energy Act, which give the US government the powers to impose censorship. Even the criticism of the governmentâ€⠄¢s recent request to withhold the details of the experiment that produced deadly H5N1 influenza virus, which could be used by terrorist, has been made only on a narrow ground that someone had already shared that information at a conference in Malta (Markel). Censorship also becomes necessary to prevent hate speech that destroys social harmony and leads to violence in a country characterized by enormous racial and cultural diversity. Opponents of censorship argue that individuals can make their own judgment and apply self-censorship, and US courts have sometimes put the freedom of speech above the need to control hate speech, such as by upholding the right of the Ku Klux Klan to carry out anti-minority marches. However, personal judgment and self-censorship alone are not enough to prevent hate speech that could disrupt communal harmony and lead people to harm each other due to enmity, bigotry or other narrow interests. The rant against Muslims in public places and in the media in th e wake of terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001 led to violence against Muslims and turbaned Sikhs across the country, which could have been avoided by censorship. Although Congress has already outlawed slander, libel, incitement to riot and obscenity, government should have broad censorship powers to control hate speech and promote social harmony (Stork), a proposition with which I agree. Likewise, the government must have powers to impose censorship to protect the rights, dignity and innocence of children who cannot do it themselves. Those who advocate absolute freedom of speech hold the view that individuals and the media are capable of using their discretion to withhold indecent and obscene information that could harm children. However, there is no shortage of pedophiles, rapists, rogue journalists and other criminals eager to exploit children’s vulnerability and innocence, and the government has obligation to protect children from them, if necessary, by imp osing censorship. I shudder with the fear that my own brothers, sisters and relatives could become victims of such criminals, lured by indecency and obscenity in the media and public places. Recognizing the need for censorship to protect children, Congress has made several laws, including the Communications Decency Act of 1966, that classify films
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Development of Chinas Economics
Development of Chinas Economics CHINA 2014 Table of Contents 1. Is China a developing country? 2. Theories/ Models of Growth and Development Applied on China 2.1. Rostow’s Stages of Growth 2.2. The Harrod-Domar Model Growth Model 2.3. Lewis’s Theory of Development 2.4. Structural Change and Pattern of Development 2.5. International Dependence Revolution 2.6. Neoclassical Counterrevolution 2.7. Coordination Failure and the Big Push 3. Poverty in China 3.1. Headcount Index Gini Co-efficient 3.2. Poverty Gap 3.3. Poverty Trend Analysis 4. Bibliography 5. Word Count: 1. Is China a developing country? China is a big economy in absolute terms, with GNP second only to the United States. Despite its remarkable economic development over the past decades, China remains a developing nation. China is the worlds most populous country, with a population of 1.3 billion in 2011. Its not far behind India, which contains 1.2 billion people and is predicted to overtake China in the next two decades. China ranks below the 100th place in the world in terms of per capita GDP, which is 3700 US dollars and the country is classified among middle and low income level countries. China is behind the majority of the developed world in terms of per capita possession of natural resources, in some cases, even far below the worlds average. Its fresh water reserve is only 1/3 of the world’s average, coal consumption 1/2 and natural gas 1/5. Moreover, a population of 150 million is caught in poverty and, is living on less than 1 US dollar a day. 83 million people are living with disabilities in the country. With the second largest number of poor in the world after India, poverty reduction remains a fundamental challenge. (WorldBank, 2014) Chinas trade mix is dominated by commodity trade that is resource and labor consuming, putting it at the lower end of the global industrial chain as the knowledge based trade in services only accounts for a small portion in foreign trade. There are shortfalls in scientific and technological innovation capacity that impede the countrys core competitiveness. Furthermore, the country faces challenges in the areas of investment in education which is low and in the areas of medical services and social security. Inequality remains high, rapid urbanization poses threat to environmental stability and there are external imbalances. China also faces demographic pressures related to an aging population and the internal migration of labor. (ChinaDaily, 2013) (Euractiv, 2012) 2. Theories/ Models of Growth and Development Applied on China 2.1. Rostow’s Stages of Growth Rostow’s theory states that each country needs to go through five imminent stages of development. Observing China in the context of the Rostow’s Model of Development, it is reasonable to claim it to be in the fourth stage, which is the drive to maturity. China remained in the third stage for several decades due to its inclination towards remaining a closed economy. As it opened its doors to the world in the 1990s, it saw itself elevating to stage four. China benefitted by a great increase in its GDP (as shown by the graph below) and foreign investment as their interaction with the world increased (Jacobs, 2014) Figure 1 Index of China’s Real GDP Growth Figure 2 Cumulative FDI in China Economicreforms of 1978 caused China’s economy to grow nine times. In 2002, China replaced US as the biggest receiver of foreign direct investment amounting up to $52.7 billion. It accounted for 25% of the global trade expansion. Apart from being a high exporter to US and Japan, China is a high consumer as well. China also became the world’s second largest importer of oil, right after the US. Its consumption of raw materials such as steel and copper became greater than that of the US. In 2003, it consumed 55% of the world’s cement. As China secured its membership of the World Trade Organization, it became a dominant player in the economy (Marcos Chamon, 2011). 2.2. The Harrod-Domar Model Growth Model Harrod-Domar model extrapolates that development is a phenomenon driven by savings and investments. China, in light of the model, faced some ups and downs in terms of savings and investment. The biggest dip in the investment came 1960 to 1962 as the government initiated the ‘Great Leap Forward’ campaign leading to immense nationalization and hence a major fall in investments. Post Economic Reforms in 1978, China saw a stable but increasing rate of investment in China, with the usual cyclical fluctuations. Simultaneously, China has seen a rise in savings from 35% in 1990 to approximately 50% by 2012. Interestingly, mainly the younger population and the elder population have shown a saving trend. This is due to decreasing public provision of facilities such as education and health prompted the younger generation to save for future education costs and the older generation to save for future health costs. (Marcos Chamon, 2011), (Labaria, 2012) 2.3. Lewis’s Theory of Development The essence of this model is to allocate resources more efficiently in the developing world where there is an overflow of labor in the traditional agriculture sector that needs to be dissolved into the industrial sector workforce (Anon., 2008) China’s agricultural percentage to GDP is around 12% and catering to almost 43% of the agricultural employment share, showing that China’s labor force is still not fully transferred to the industrial sector. However, China is still growing fast. According to Spence, high Savings and investment where public spending was on education, infrastructure, international trade, technological up gradation and productive employment were all factors that led China’s phenomenal growth. Although there was agro to industrial migration, people were more towards private sector than state owned enterprises. For example, between 1995 and 2005, the ownership of enterprises fell by 38% whereas private, foreign and individual grew in total by 35 %. The reason for this could be that the capital to output ratio for private was much greater than the state owned ones i.e. 6.7 vs. 3.3. Along with investment, China focused on improving its exports from 2004 onwards. China used the investment for technology that proved beneficial from 2000 where the number of patent applications were 100000 that shot up to 275000 by 2004. As a result, China was the one with the most patent applications from the BRIC nations. Figure 3 In compliance with the Lewis model the economy was able to absorb the extra agricultural labor with a rise in the marginal productivity of labor which is still lower than the wage for the average productivity of labor. (MARCO G. ERCOLANI, 2010) In 2010 China had not reached the third stage as such as there was still a gap in labor productivities between both the sectors. 2.4. Structural Change and Pattern of Development Chenery’s structural change model assesses the characteristic features of development process derived from the different levels of per capita income of countries. For China, the shift from the agricultural to industrial production is seen in the city called Shenzhen which was once farming and fishing village in 1980’s and grew into the richest city in 30 years, as a result of foreign investment and manufacturing. (Shenzhen Facts, 2013) This example only can also explain that there was steady accumulation of both physical and human capital. The rapid growth in Shenzhen was possible due to the capital, labor, technology and information. (Shen, 2008) . These changes were accompanied by shift in consumption patterns to more appropriate ones of demand for manufactured goods and services. Although one can say that China has tried to achieve the decline in family size to cater to its overall population, the disparity between different regions is still prevalent. Hence it canno t be inferred if the child quality is preferred over the child quantity in China. 2.5. International Dependence Revolution The trend of aid received by China has experienced various fluctuations. Up until late 1970s, China was a net donor, but when the Chinese economy started its openness policy, it became a net receiver of aid to finance the industrialization, mainly from Japan. However, this aid rather than being pure loans or grants was more in the form of economic co-operations agreements which gave both China and Japan a ‘win win’ situation rather than China getting exploited by Japan. Post mid 90s however (after the success of industrialization was manifesting), the aid received by China started to drop drastically; and due to the introduction of the ‘Grand Plan’ of 1994,China started to realize the potential of securing resources and export markets abroad and started investing heavily in Africa, the trend of which continues to today . Hence instead of China being exploited by the cores, it is now in a position to exploit Africa. The neocolonial dependence model cannot be applied to China. (Shimomura Ohashi, 2013) The Dualistic Development Thesis however applies extremely well to China, as evidenced by the disparity in public and private spending on education and health (public spending is almost constant whereas private is increasing (WorldBank, 2014)) or by the vast income disparity amongst China’s urban and regional areas. Reasons for this co existence phenomenon are discussed under Poverty in China. 2.6. Neoclassical Counterrevolution Neoliberals suggest that by allowing competitive free markets to function, economic growth will begin because world markets are efficient. In 1979, China was a stiff command economy prey, to majorinefficiencies making it poorerthan India. The government focused on heavy industries, ignoring agriculture and the private sectors. Their leader Chen, recognizing the importance of market and socialism endedâ€Å"The Leap Outward†, allowing the firms tobenefit with the government from the market functioning, showing that Market Friendly approach is needed. Public-choicetheory discusses that by the self centered intervention of government, not only does misallocation of resources occur, but people are left with lesser choices and freedom. China has now shifted to a mixed economy with reforms which shall allow China to reach 60% of America’s per capita GDP. (TheMoneyIllusion, 2010) In the last 30 years, the Chinese economy has seen a shift to a hybrid economy after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Theprivatization of 90% of the urban residential schemes and real estate can be marked as an economic success because it led to a growth in per capita income 8.1% from 1978 to 2004. Neoclassical free-market argument emphasizes onliberalizationof national markets, which draws additional domestic and foreign investment, increasing the rate of capital accumulation. China has acceptedliberation by allowing free trade, to the extent that China, a part of the BRIC nation now has the power to shake the strength of the US Dollar; however the role and hold of government is still strong on the economy and the people. An example of this is the enforcement of one child policy. Although the government has now relaxed these rules, to extending to a two child policy, this was needed to control the geometric progression of the population versus the arithmetic progress of resources which would have led to increased poverty. (Coase Wang, 2013) 2.7. Coordination Failure and the Big Push According to Todaro coordination failure occurs because of the inability of economic agents to coordinate their behavior resulting in an equilibrium in which everyone ends up being worse off and occurs because of pecuniary externalities, asymmetric information, and high wages of workers which warrant government intervention which Todaro named the Big Push. (Todaro Smith, 2012) In October 1949 the People’s Republic of China was established by the Communist Party. The party aimed to nationalize the agricultural sector and use it to finance the growth in industrialization to coordinate the activities of the economic agents in the industrial sector. As a result of this the Industrial sector thrived and grew. (Young, 2014) In 1958 the Great leap forward was announced. Under this communes of farms were formed and private farming was abolished. The purpose of this was to increase output via greater cooperation and greater physical effort. However this failed resulting in drop in agricultural production, three years of famine and millions of deaths. The government responded by initiating policies contradictory to that of Big Push model, i.e. the government allowed for private farming and slashed investment in industrial sector which led to improvements in the industry. (Young, 2014) Lastly the Great ProletarianCultural Revolution of 1966 resulted in a negative impact on industry production resulting in a decade of confusion and strife. (Young, 2014) So it can be inferred that the Big Push model advocating government intervention has resulted in more costs than benefits for the Chinese. 3. Poverty in China 3.1. Headcount Index Gini Co-efficient YEAR Headcount ratio (% of population, at $1.25 a day) Millions of poor (people less than $1.25 a day) Population (in billions) (gapminder) 1990 60.18 683.2 1.15 1991 1.16 1992 63.80 743.3 1.175 1993 53.69 632.7 1.188 1994 59.78 712.5 1.201 1995 54.05 651.2 1.213 1996 36.37 442.8 1.226 1997 47.84 588.5 1.237 1998 47.97 595.8 1.259 1999 35.63 446.3 1.260 2000 1.269 2001 1.277 2002 28.36 363.1 1.285 2003 1.293 2004 1.300 2005 16.25 211.9 1.307 2006 1.314 2007 1.321 2008 13.06 173 1.328 2009 11.80 157.1 1.334 Figure 4 WorldBank, 2014 The trend shows that the headcount ratio was decreasing rather at a slow rate from 1990 till 1999, however the headcount reduced by almost 50%. By 2005 the headcount further reduced by 50% and then gradually till 2009 the headcount came to about 11.8%. It should be keep in mind that the population of China had been increasing around 0.01 billion each year and still the headcount was reduced. From the highest 743.3 million poor in 1992 to almost 157.1 million poor in 2009 is an achievement. (WorldBank, 2014) According to Yu Xie, a sociologist from Michigan University, China suffers from one of the highest levels of income inequality in the world. Inequality prevails even in comparison to other countries that have similar standards of living. The Gini Coefficient has shown an increasing trend reaching 0.472 in 2012. (Gapminder, 2014) 3.2. Poverty Gap The World Bank index presents that Poverty Gap in 2009 was 2.8, but data for the latter years was not available. Beijing and Shanghai have reached high developmental levels equivalent to Cyprus and Portugal because of the government’s efforts via provision of healthcare, education and welfare, but provinces such as south-western Huizhou are comparable to Namibia or Botswana. The city life is becoming increasingly expensive and the middle class is being squeezed. 3.3. Poverty Trend Analysis Extreme poverty defined by percentage of people living below $1.25 per day fell till 1987 in China after which it increased sharply to 64% in 1992. After which it declined in 1993, increased again in 1994 and then declined continuously to 13% in 2008. However there were stalls in poverty reduction during the late 1920s and late 1990s. So the significant increase in poverty in China during the late 1980s was because of the Communist Party’s policy to nationalize the agricultural sector part of their Great leap forward strategy which backfired leading to a significant increase in poverty in the rural areas of China. (Ravallion Chen, 2007) The number of people below the poverty line started to decrease after the peak in 1992 because of: migration from rural to urban growth in primary sector due to the about face policy after the Great Leap Forward economy wide policies including agrarian reforms controlling of inflation increase in government spending as part of the effort to achieve the MDG on poverty and hunger The rate of decline in poverty varied from industry to industry and among provinces because the rate of growth in these was not the same. (Ravallion Chen, 2007) As shown by the figure below, economic activity is prevalent at the coastal regions and declines as we move towards the interior of the country. Figure 5 GDP/Capita by province 2002 (US$) As the economy opened its doors to the world, it saw an inflow of investment in this coastal region. However, the benefit has not been transferred to the inner regions, the urban residents located at the east earn thrice as much as the rural residents (Roberts, 2014), (GeoCases, 2002) Figure 6 (GeoCases, 2002) 4. Bibliography Anon., 2008. Introduction to Economics of Development. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2014]. Bertaud, A., 2010. GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION AND URBAN LAND MARKETS: THE CASE OF CHINA. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 29(4), pp. 335-346. ChinaDaily, 2013. China Daily. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2014]. Coase, R. Wang, N., 2013. How China Became Capitalist. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2014]. Euractiv, 2012. Euractiv. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2014]. GeoCases, 2002. China: A Third Generation Newly Industrialised Country. [Online] Available at: a third generation NIC.htm [Accessed 2014]. Jacobs, J., 2014. Rostows Stages of Growth Deveopment Model. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2014]. Labaria, E., 2012. China and Development. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Eddie Carbone in A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller Essay
Eddie Carbone in A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller The play â€Å"A view from the bridge†is set in Red hook area of New York, the play was written by a man called Arthur Miller he wrote this particular play in 1950 at the age of 35. His parents were immigrants in the United States of America, they had lived a wealthy life this all went wrong along with the American economy. Arthur Miller worked as a warehouse man, and in order to save his fees he went to Michigan University in 1934, to study economics and history. He did a course in playwriting and this became his ambition, he graduated from Michigan University in 1938. Eddie Carbone is the main character in the play, at the start of the play he is a very popular hardworking man then towards the end of the play he becomes a very angry distressed and jealous, and eventually loses his life by getting stabbed by his own knife. Eddie is mainly responsible for his own downfall because he didn’t want Catherine (his niece) to get married to her lover, Rodolfo. Rodolfo and Marco (his brother) are staying with the Carbones as illegal immigrants. Eddie becomes angry because he believes that Rodolfo is taking Catherine away from him this leads him to betray his family by reporting them to the immigration bureau. I think that â€Å"A view from the bridge†is a tragedy because of eddies extreme downfall, he dies because of one mistake. Throughout the play Eddie is jealous of Catherine because she is not his little girl anymore she is turning into a woman. Eddie is an Italian longshore man working on the New York docks. When eddies wife’s cousins, Marco and Rodolfo seek refuge, as i... prevent. I think Eddie is mainly responsible for his own downfall but Catherine could have played some part in causing it because of her getting together with Rodolfo. Eddie never liked Rodolfo from when he first met him he always thought he was weird. Rodolfo also may be responsible for eddies downfall because he never asked eddies permission to get together with her. Marco is Beatrice’s cousin and after Marco and Rodolfo have been in jail they get bailed out and Marco goes after Eddie. Eddie is alone at this stage Marco hits Eddie lunges at Marco with a knife that is meant to kill him. Beatrice tells Eddie to stop but Eddie ignores her like he does throughout the whole play. Then as the knife is in eddies hand it is grabbed by Marco turned and drove into eddies body, within two minutes Eddie carbone is dead.
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